Non-government organizations like LCRC rely on financial gifts to keep the doors open, trucks running, and equipment operating. When we have an abundance of rice or beans but not enough meat, your gifts enable us to fill in the gaps. We can purchase what we need at pennies on the dollar from the Central Virginia Food Bank and huge wholesalers. Thank you for donating in whatever way is most convenient for you.
• Card or PayPal
• Checks to LCRC, P. O. Box 52, Louisa, VA 23093
NOTE: For instructions on setting up automatic withdrawals for routine donations or including LCRC in your estate plan, please email: [email protected]

Working a few hours a month can be a huge gift to LCRC with its limited budget and 7 part-time employees. Volunteers work side-by-side with staff to cover all the work involved with running our huge operation. Download and complete the application (link below) and bring it to the office. We welcome your assistance.
Plant an extra row
If you’re a gardener with extra fresh produce like carrots, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, or peppers, please bring them to LCRC so we can share them with our clients.

Host an Event
When Covid restrictions are lifted, host a get-together with friends and family that focuses on donations to LCRC. Ask guests to bring a monetary gift or a specific non-perishable item (check with Cathy Portner to find out what is most needed). Besides chatting and eating, you are helping your neighbors in need. After your party, bring us what you collected.
Think Outside the Kitchen
Diapers, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, and similar non-food items are always welcome. Please call LCRC ahead of time to assure they accept those items and have a need.

Remember we need help year-round.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are when our neighbors in need most frequently come to mind. But people have needs all the time and on-going, dependable gifts are the greatest way to help.